The reason why business needs the support from marketing department is because the business needs the customers for running their business. Without customers, it is sure that then business will get collapsed easily. The marketing strategy will give challenge for business owner of course. Maybe at first people will face the challenge associated with getting customers but it will be greater challenge for business owner to maintain their customers loyal to their business.
It means that business owner must not only apply short term marketing strategy but it is more important to apply the long term marketing strategy. It can be done by making proper communication with the customers and it can be improved with some tips. The communication using email with the customers should be used by many the personalized email. FAQ page should be created because it can be way business offer customers service to the client. Customers can ask and even complain about anything. The channel in social networking will also be great opportunity for customer service.
Content strategy will bring success to the business marketing as long as it is created based on the necessity of the customers. The business owner should also make their customers into advocates of brand such as by getting the testimonial from the customers.