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Making Connecting is Important in Sales

Have you ever looked at a reason why people buy from certain people and not others? There should be an immediate connection between salesperson and customers. You have maybe 30 seconds to get the customer confidence or you lose.

In another word, you have to gain their trust. You must be connected, whether on a personal level or can find a common interest before you get their trust.

How many times have you gone into purchase something, and before you close the door behind you, have a salesperson all over you. I do not know how the sales in the auto industry in your area work, but often, they wait outside in the parking lot of the dealers and before you get out of your car, they will “attack” you. I feel that there is no connection in this way. That is exactly what I call a cold connection.

There must be more than just the sale. The sale is the last thing that could happen, or should be. Making the connection first.

Once a customer or potential customer sees that they like and can trust you, the end result is likely to happen as you wish.

Of course you can see that there is more to the process of just making the sale of products or opportunities. Before the sale, there must be a connection, and nothing can happen if the connection is not made.

A salesperson can not force people to buy, people know what they wants. The question is who they are going to buy from. If there is no connection with certain salesperson, they will find a salesperson they can connect with, and that is who is going to be the person they buy that item from.

When a customer walked into the store to buy an item, he knew within 30 seconds if the first person who approaches him will be the person that makes the sale.

There are many factors that come into play when you as a customer go to spend your money to make a purchase, and of course it should be with the person you make the connection with.

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