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A Site-tracking Software

There is a way to track who is visiting your site. More traffic you generate means more money you will make. You want to ensure that you have everything you need to see if you are getting the traffic you want. There are some ways to travel the traffic on your site, and each has advantages and disadvantages. This is entirely depends on what you need at the time and how much you are willing to invest. Many devices just simply tell you how many people visit and some have the actual report with fine detail. You want to use more sophisticated tracking system, if you know which search engines bring in most traffic or where people come from. Simpler method is used to find out how many people visited your site since it got up and running. This will not offer other types of information like how many per day or where they come from.

1. Counter: This is usually used by beginners. You will not see it on more professional website. It will tell you and the visitors exactly how many people have been visit your site.

2. Tracker: tracking software can give you a detailed path your visitor take when they visit your site. It tells you way more than just a simple tracker and it is not visible by the visitors. For free use you may be asked to press a key or a graphic to be set up. Many website owners prefer to put in their own tracking script on their servers.

3. Use your ISP statistical package: Your ISP provider keeps a record of each hit to your website. So you can know where your traffic come from and what pages they are looking for. Ensure your hosting company offer access to your raw log files.

4. Web Traffic Analysis Software: This is a program that can take your raw log files and generate reports on your traffic. The quality depends on which program you are using. There are many free software with some existing hosting package or paid software packages, that can generate high quality reports.

Your web traffic statistics is an invaluable tool for information about your site. You can make decisions on improving your site through the information they give you. They will let you know what the most popular web pages and also the people that oftenly use it. A tracker will tell you who are visiting your site. You will learn which web browser to optimize your pages for and which search engine are most useful. They can even tell you when you get error or a bad link on your page. Analyze your web traffic can help you determine what type of marketing strategy works for you and your site the best. Then, you can change according the most successful methods and improving your traffic and ultimately your sales.

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