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Street Painter

If you love to paint and do not have enough money to have a gallery, then you can offer painting services to people passing by in the city. Just a place on the roadside can be your unique gallery. Everything you need in painting should be fully prepared. Canvas, paint, brushes, etc. should be readily available there. People who pass you may stop for a moment to observe the results of your painting, and if they are interested they will ask for the charge and after a slight nego maybe they will become your first customers.

Do your best to provide maximum service for your customers. Paint with your heart so that the result would be perfect. If many people are satisfied with the results of your painting then believe me that luck is on your side. They must be talking about your painting to their friends and untill this moment the oral promotion is believed as the best promotion. testimonials from your customers can be a support for you to move forward.

Nothing to be ashamed to start, if you do have the expertise you deserve a try. Do the best you can and let God determine the outcome.

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