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Education Insurance for Your Children

Education insurance is kind of insurance which give assurance fund which will be use to education cost for our child. Education insurance has two substances; there are Investment and Economic Protection. Investment has mention to make some fund so it can defeat inflation, so the fund can use to education cost.

Economic protection has purpose to give health protection of the child, so if the risk happen, or the children get sick, the children will get compensation paid by insurance company without decrease the fund which investment in education insurance. With The Economic protection, the fund which is investment for education cost didn’t disturbed because another risk. Another to give protection for our child it also give facilitate investment, because when parents get accident, insurance company will saving to children bank account in children bank account education insurance to the children up to age 25 years old. So, with Economic protection, fund which for education cost always available when children needed.

Prepare the education for our children is our duty as a good parent. As a wise parent we must register to insurance company to assurance education of our children, so the assurance for education cost is ready when our child needs it.

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